with Heidi Edwards
Decorate your bike if you’d like, light them up, and honk your horns if you got them. Let’s have some fun and have our own bike party ride, taking our tires to the town on Tuesdays. All are welcome to join Tuesday evenings for a fun, family friendly bike riding parade-style party adventure around town. The route will be approximately 5-7 easy miles and is suitable for all ages. Leaving the Porter Town Office parking lot, we will ride as a group, sticking together and simply having fun. A possible route would be from town office to Sacopee Valley High School through the parking lot around the back road to elementary school, back towards the village, right on Pine Street making our way around side streets, possibly taking a right on Spec Pond and riding to the ponds making our way back to the starting point. Routes are always subject to change. Heidi will often encourage others to take the lead and simply have a great time with a big game of Follow the Leader. FMI: 207-625-1312. Bike Safety is a must! Helmets are encouraged for all and by Maine state law for children 16 and under. Pre-registration is not required.