with Senior Central
SENIOR CENTRAL invites our local senior citizens to coffee, cornhole, cards, cribbage, and, of course, socializing! FMI: Leave a message at (207) 650-6665.
Mondays, 10-11:30 a.m., Ongoing
Sacopee Valley Adult & Community Education
Maine Adult Education Program
with Senior Central
SENIOR CENTRAL invites our local senior citizens to coffee, cornhole, cards, cribbage, and, of course, socializing! FMI: Leave a message at (207) 650-6665.
Mondays, 10-11:30 a.m., Ongoing
with Emma Holder
February 27th, 2025
You could buy a $4 bottle of kombucha, or you could make your own for pennies. It's simply sweetened black or green tea with a culture added. We'll make a primary ferment in class. A secondary one will be demonstrated so you can make it at home once your primary has developed. We'll discuss kombucha's fascinating history, troubleshooting, glassware and SCOBYs (provided). Class will include the microbiology and the ferment creation. Easy, economical, and delicious! Zoom link and materials list will be provided upon registration. Registration closes February 19 to ensure participants get all needed information and supplies including the scoby from the instructor. FMI, contact Emma via her site at Pre-registration is required to receive online link.
Emma Holder studied microbiology and immunology at McGill University, where she graduated with a BSc in 1991 and a masters degree in 1993. Her passion is fostering human connections and offering engaging educational opportunities to promote happy, healthy lifestyles.
The Grievance Support Group meets at the Riverside Methodist Church the fourth Thursday of each month and is open to anyone who has experienced a loss. Connect with others, learn ways to cope, and receive support with the grieving process. FMI: Call 625-8712 or 625-8269.
4th Thursday every month, 2 p.m.
with Southern Maine Agency on Aging
In-person appointments for one-on-one counseling are now available at the Cornish Town Hall with certified counselors who provide free, expert advice on selecting the right plans, understanding benefits, and maximizing your coverage. Clients receive unbiased assistance with enrolling in Medicare, comparing plan options, and resolving issues related to claims and coverage. Please call the Southern Maine Agency on Aging (SMAA) at (207) 396-6524 or visit their website at to make an appointment.
with Deborah Lipsky
March 8th, 2025
We think of winter as a time when nature sleeps, animals hibernate, and birds have already flown south to warmer climates. Forest trees stand dormant, almost semi-comatose, as winter rages on, or do they! Bring your snowshoes and enjoy an approximately two-hour trek through the forest. Come learn how the forest is alive, caring for her wild inhabitants, sheltering and feeding her winter residents. Do all animals hibernate? Which species of birds remain all winter, and what do they do for food? Why is snow cover so vital in maintaining a healthy forest? These and many more questions will be answered during this hike in the woods. Following the hike, we will gather around the firepit, so come bring a chair, warm up by the fire, and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate or tea (provided). Please note: Deb graciously volunteers her time and property. Donations in support of maintenance and set up are appreciated and can be made at the time of the course. Please pre-register as a minimum of 4 people is required to run the course.
In 2005, Deb became a registered Maine Guide, guiding people in Maine’s great outdoors. A former reserve police officer, EMT, firefighter, and crisis counselor, she was also part of the search and rescue team with the USAF and a member of its critical incident stress management team. She has spent her entire life as an amateur archeologist, historian, and naturalist. In 2014, she retired from farming in Aroostook County and moved to her 50-acre wooded lot, living off the grid and close to nature.
with Emma Holder
March 13th, 2025
Fermenting vegetables preserves them and adds nutritional value and probiotics. It's so easy - you’ll be a master in no time! Basic fermentation techniques will be demonstrated and you can then use them on pretty much any vegetable. Class will include microbiology basics, troubleshooting, and ferment creation. Zoom link and materials list will be provided upon registration. FMI, contact Emma via her site at Pre-registration is required to receive online link.
Emma Holder studied microbiology and immunology at McGill University, where she graduated with a BSc in 1991 and a masters degree in 1993. Her passion is fostering human connections and offering engaging educational opportunities to promote happy, healthy lifestyles.